Blog Archive

Monday, November 15, 2021

Paul Blackburn

Poet Blackburn Attends Event : News Photo 

7th Game: 1960 Series

Nice day, 
sweet October afternoon 
Men walk the sun-shot avenues, 
Second, Third, eyes 
intent elsewhere 
ears communing with transistors in shirt pockets 
Bars are full, quiet, 
discussion during commercials 
Pirates lead New York 4-1, top of the 6th, 2 
Yankees on base, 1 man out 

What a nice day for all this ! 
Handsome women, even 
dreamy jailbait, walk 
nearly neglected : 
men's eyes are blank 
their thoughts are all in Pittsburgh 

Last half of the 9th, the score tied 9-all, 
Mazeroski leads off for the Pirates 
The 2nd pitch he simply, sweetly 
belts it clean over the left-field wall 

Blocks of afternoon 
acres of afternoon 
Pennsylvania Turnpikes of afternoon . One 
diamond stretches out in the sun 
the 3rd base line 
and what men come down 

The final score, 10-9 

Yanquis, come home

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