Blog Archive

Monday, October 4, 2021

Jean Garrigue

Catch What You Can

 The thing to do is try for that sweet skin 

One gets by staying deep inside a thing. 
The image that I have is that of fruit— 
The stone within the plum or some such pith 
As keeps the slender sphere both firm and sound. 
Stay with me, mountain flowers I saw 
And battering moth against a wind-dark rock, 
Stay with me till you build me all around 
The honey and the clove I thought to taste 
If lingering long enough I lived and got

Your intangible wild essence in my heart. 
And whether that's by sight or thought 
Or staying deep inside an aerial shed 
Till imagination makes the heart-leaf vine 
Out of damned bald rock, I cannot guess. 
The game is worth the candle if there's flame.

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