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Saturday, October 30, 2021

Robert Duncan, Cy Twombly

 Robert Duncan, et. al. The Song of the Border Guard, 1952. (1)

Robert Duncan, et. al. The Song of the Border Guard, 1952. (2)

Robert Duncan (American, 1919 – 1988)
Cy Twombly (American, 1928 – 2011)
Robert Rauschenberg (American, 1925 – 2008)
Nicola Cernovich (American, b. 1929)
The Song of the Border Guard, 1952
woodcut on paper

This woodcut print was made through a collaborative process at Black Mountain College Graphics Workshop. Black Mountain College was a renowned avant-garde art school in North Carolina committed to collaboration and multi-media productions. Accordingly, at the workshop visual artists and poets frequently produced works together that integrated word and image. Here, poet Robert Duncan worked together with artist Cy Twombly. Duncan wrote the poem on the other side and Twombly created the design shown here. Nicola Cernovich and a young Robert Rauschenberg cut the woodblock for this print.

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