Blog Archive

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Christine Hume


Various Readings of an Illegible Postcard

Horny or Harm seems an ordinary home.
Or Having seen the orchard and hives,
I'm satisfied I've picked the dark pocket
pink or satisfied, pickled larks protect the jinx.
You know I'm trouble with Dixie cups, croquet
and wicker or humble with desire for (cough)
the wicked. Ago? A queer little dog grazing
or gazing lives in my room or ivys my nous.
They have a saying here about your duct-taped boots
or They keep savvy bees in case the butcher balks
which is not cool is nautical is nonsensical.
Attention trick eye! A tension trickles
or After swimming we found the housekeeper dead.
I sing or swing, Let's keep her dear!
All day an unmade bed. One day I'll be young or
going as he who homesteads in foreign castles
deserves or whose domain feigns, casts designs
say, like shadows on the outhouse door or
the outskirts humoring me or out-skirting rumors
last as long as keeping honey
or homey or phone me, money?—Yours

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